For those who are new to the direct mail channel, it can be surprising to learn how much goes into developing an effective, long-term program. Many of the key decisions happen before you even get started. To help you prepare, we’re sharing some of the most common mistakes we see in direct mail.


#1 Trying to Do Too Much By Yourself

As a direct mail agency we know how much time and effort must go into a successful direct mail campaign. Companies that try to take on all the responsibilities often find themselves overwhelmed. We respect how much work our clients have on their plates and know how beneficial it can be to utilize a vendor with one sole focus as an extension of their business. A direct mail partner can also help cut down on mail expenditures, which may lower overall costs in the long run.


#2 Not Identifying a Target Audience

The desire to target every potential customer at once is very common. While the intention is good, it raises the level of difficulty exponentially. Targeting the audience makes it possible to develop a concept and a message that speaks directly to the needs of a particular customer profile. When you try to please everyone at once, you often fail to reach anyone at all.


#3 Failing to Take Calculated Risks

Direct mail is most effective when it captures the attention of the recipient. A lot of older direct mail methods can be forgettable to the average person. As direct mail professionals, we are passionate about identifying new ways to be unique. When you can find a sweet spot between unique and informative, you will drive high-quality leads straight to a sales team.


#4 Cutting Costs on Printing

Every business is trying to make money, and part of making money is saving money wherever you can. However, printing costs are not necessarily a wise place to sacrifice quality for lower cost. Direct mail works as an extension of your brand and your business. If the quality is poor, it reflects poorly on the business. The name of the game is clear messaging that is easy to interpret. If the ink is running on the page or the colors are faded colors, it can distract from the quality of the overall piece.


#5 No Call-to-Action

Speaking of clarity – nothing is more important than clarity in the call-to-action. The recipient of the direct mail piece should know exactly what your business is asking of them. The next actionable step must be completely transparent. The clearer the call-to-action, the more effective it is likely to be.